Thursday, August 10, 2017

Card making - Simple Watercolour Card

Hello ,
Today onwards, I will be adding my card making blog. Card making was like my childhood hobbies. I usually make news cards from pictures and sentiments that I cut from my old cards.
I have a huge collection of cards and tags I made from my old cards
Today, I made a card using watercolours, that too made from inexpensive Crayola watercolour that I bought from Walmart. This watercolour was a random purchase from Walmart as the price was only USD 1.77. I am not sure of the actual price, but it was less than USD 2 for sure.
I used Canson Xl watercolour paper, that is is also a Walmart buy.
The colours are really bright, I have seen so many expert cardmakers using watercolour for card making, so I thought of doing the same. I used Crayola because I don't have any professional grade watercolours with me
The process was really simple and it turned out to be good.
Please don't forget to watch the 5-minute video tutorial of the same 

Thank you for stopping by

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