Saturday, November 4, 2017

Explosion Pop - up Card

Making scrapbook is my favourite hobby, but when it comes to the interactive part or adding a photo mat with a twist, I feel a little bit lazy. I want my scrapbooks to be sweet & simple. Recently I have seen so many people making interactive scrapbooks. One of them was this Explosion pop up card. This card was originally created by Karen Burniston I guess. Her's was the first video I have seen exhibiting this card. I tried making this by my own. It turned out to be good.

This card making requires time to make so this can be gifted as a special gift for someone special
Supplies used are
Pattern paper
Washi tapes
Edge punch

Dimensions used are
Base card 6 by 12 inches,  scored and folded at 5, 10 & 10.25 inches
Explosion Piece 6 by 10 inches ( 2 nos )
Pop - up card piece 4 by 10 inches

Watch the video for detailed tutorial 

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1 comment:

  1. This is very beautiful. I've just created my own website to sell some pop-up cards. They're absolutely beautiful. If you are interested in pop-up cards. It is exactly what you are looking for: cherry blossom pop up card, pop-up cards


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