Thursday, July 27, 2017

Fort shaped treat box.. Make your own...

I am thinking of publishing my treat box tutorials on every thursday, on my blog and my youtube channel as well. Today i made a box which is perfect for homemade jams, cookies, pickles, etc. This is an easy make box. I have seen so many people making this box using envelope punch board. But my box doesn't require any device.
I used cardstock from Hobbylobby.
For the reference I add a template here 

with love

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Popup Box card / flower bouquet card

Who doesn't like flowers? What if we can make a flower bouquet inside a card. So my today's project is a pop-up box card which is filled with flowers, grass and leaves. I made this as a thank you card. But this could serve many occasions.
I used a thick cardstock for making the box. The flowers, leaves and grass were cut using my Cricut explore1 machine
Previously I made a birthday card for a 2-year old using the same pattern but dimensions of the card was different

The box card or pop up card looks like this

 OMG I love it

This is an absolute craft that everyone should try. Though I used a cutting machine to make flowers, grass and leaves, I think it doesn't need a machine's help to cut the same.
For a little help I upload a template please have a look at that too
Don't forget to check my video for the tutorial 

Thank you visiting

Monday, July 17, 2017

DIY Book Box - Hidden storage idea

Hi ,
Last week I did a DIY storage box that looks like a book.I thought I would share the idea here. This is really easy to make.I used cardboard pieces, scratch scrapbook paper, cardstock for idea
Have a look at my book box.I love it very much.
Can you identify my storage box here in the picture?

Here is my book box. I keep this along with other books on the shelf so that no one notices
my box
I share my video here , just in case if someone wants to see 

Thank you for stopping by

Watercolour transparent layering exercise - Project Rainbow Lotus

Hey, This blog is actually a dedication to women over the world. I knew so many women even though they are highly educated, but has to liv...